
November Gratitude Challenge: Day 4

Today’s gratitude is pretty simple and I am okay with that. Finding the silver lining in every day is the goal here, to be grateful even when it feels hard.

My Bed

Yes, today I am thankful for my bed. I am sick and have been sleeping on and off all day when the kids nap. My bed is truly my safe haven. I crawl in, pull the covers up high, obviously have a fan blowing on me and off to sleep I go. There really is no place like home, and REALLY no place like you own bed! Now off to bed I go!


What is one simple thing in your home that makes you feel safe and warm? Maybe its your couch, bath tub, bedroom, kitchen, or that one super worn in pair of slippers. Whatever it is, stop and be thankful for it today!

Much love, Brandi

I have a secret...

November 4, 2019