
November Gratitude Challenge: Day 3

I love Sunday’s, like they are 100% my favorite day of the week. As one week ends, another begins. We go to church to get centered and focused for the upcoming week. And usually enjoy a nice family nap after lunch! Talk about refreshing. But in the fall we watch football!

Forward down the field, a charging team that will not yield

Sing it with me! If you don’t know, that is the beginning of the Lions fight song! Today I am thankful for the sport of football. Yes it might seem like a weird thing to be thankful for but to me it helped forge a great relationship with my husband’s Grandpa Kohlhoff.

I remember going over to his house when we were early on dating and Grandpa didn’t seem to like me much. I was so uncomfortable. Being who I am, I desperately needed that man to love me. So I started watching football with Justin, asked tons of questions to understand the game and practice the lingo.

It’s game day

Finally it was Thanksgiving and on our list of places to stop by was Grandpa’s house. I had been practicing my lingo and knew what names to drop to seem like I knew what was going on, but most importantly I knew “Go Lions” and a good “ugh” would get me far. Sitting in the living room with Grandpa was when we finally bonded and it was a bond that lasted forever.

Watching football with Grandpa was something I grew to love. Going to his house on a Saturday or Sunday in the fall I knew what I was in for. He would offer us a Pepsi and sit down for the game. Thankfully we were able to go to a Lions game before Grandpa lost his battle with cancer. I will forever root for the Lions for him! We miss you.


I don’t know if we ever would have bonded like we did if it wasn’t for the game that both excited and frustrated us at the same time. Thank you NFL for the years of fun I had with Grandpa Kohlhoff. It is with a full heart I say “GOOOOOOO Lions!”

I have a secret...

November 4, 2019