
November Gratitude Challenge: Day 2

Today there were about 800 thousands things to be thankful for. But what I think I was most thankful for was the weather. It was a gorgeous, sunny and chilly fall day with the most beautiful sunset.

Winter is coming

No seriously, it’ll be here before we know it. Michigan becomes a bland matte gray throughout most of the long winter months. Those include November, December, January and February. That is one third of our year in basically a sad black and white movie. It can and is very hard on a lot of people. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a big deal in the northern states, I know I suffer from SAD during the long winter months.

So days where you can go outside with sunshine are unfortunately going to be few and far between. It was so nice to get some nice fresh air, play with the kids and watch the dogs run around in our backyard today. We played with sand, ran through the leaves, went down the slide, cleaned up the garage a little, and just breathed in good fresh air.

The kids had such a great time they actually threw a huge fit when we had to come inside because it was getting too cold. We totally took advantage of the nice day and I am so thankful.


Some days it doesn’t have to be a huge thing to be thankful for. How can you be thankful for whatever weather you experienced today? Noticing the small details I feel makes me start to appreciate and love everything around me more. Well its late and I just 1 hour away from November 3rd, glad I was able to write today. Love, Brandi