Blog / Gratitude

November Gratitude Challenge: Day 1

As we wrap up 2019 I cannot believe how fast it has flown by. Life right now just seems to be going way too fast. I don’t know if it’s this stage called the late twenties or if it’s having little babies running everywhere. Nonetheless time is absolutely flying by.

Personally I want to look back and remember how amazing this past year has been even though there were quite a few downs. Ending each day with a gratitude is going to be great, I pray you join in with me.

Day 1: Thankful for My Body

Yup. I wrote that right…my body. I am thankful for my body! It is no where near a size 2, or stretch mark free but it has done some pretty freaking amazing things.

Four, yes four babies have been grown and birthed from me. Read the full story here. Four babies or any babies is a big ass deal. My body has made life, grown huge, pushed a watermelon out my vagina and then got that vagina back to normal size, lol. Way to go me!

My body has allowed me to go one pilates class and I didn’t die! WAHOOO! I sucked horribly, but I did it! My ability to move well the next 3 days was highly impaired, but I could still walk. I have not gone back, but hey one time at the gym in 6 months is WAYYY better than zero times at the gym, lol!

My body can walk up the stairs, chase my babies, carry groceries in the house, occasionally chase a dog to get back into the house, and the list goes on. I am thankful for my body.


What is one thing that you are proud of your body for doing? No matter how big or small it is? Thank your body for what it has done for you! And just a reminder you are a BADASS! Love, Brandi