
Mom’s Fall Checklist

I don’t know what it is about this magical season but it truly is the BEST! Here is my list of my musts to enjoy the greatest season ever! If you happen to be one of those fall haters, just go on and skip this one! lol.

1. Everything Goes in the Crockpot

My ability to cook doesn’t exist, I am just terrible at it. But do you know what I can do? I can rock any crock pot recipe! They are beyond easy to make, PLUS your house smells amazing all day when your meal is cooking!

Pinterest is where I go and I search crock pot recipes. Go find a new recipe to try and maybe it’ll become a new family fav!

2. Have a Festive Front Porch

There are two types of people in this world. Those who decorate for the seasons and those who don’t. I am firm believer in decorating for the seasons and holidays. It brings me tons of joy!

I am not a professional decorator but I can get inspiration on Pinterest and try my best to recreate. Try it out if you never have. It brings so much joy! Tip: Go to the Dollar Tree to create your own fall flower buckets, way cheaper!

3. Rock a Bold Berry Lipstick

For real though, a bold lip for fall is so in! The key with a bold lip is to make sure that the rest of your face matches. If you have a crazy smokey eye, bright cheeks, and intense lips it might be a smidge too much. But try to go out of your comfort zone and see how many people compliment your new lips! Here is the link for my go to lip!

4. Enjoy Football Season

If you can try to go to one live football game a year! My family loves the Detroit Lions and we actually have season tickets.

But when I can’t be at the game live I love being snuggled on the couch watching a fame. At home Sunday’s are my favorite though, I get my afternoon nap usually during the 3rd quarter and wake up for the forth. Oddly I love the commentators voices, they are so calming! Go Lions!

5. Have a Family Baking Day

We just did this today while my mom is in town, she is the baker extraordinaire. It was so fun to sit down with the kids and decorate cookies.

Nora (2.5) did pretty good and had a great time decorating/slightly taking bites out of every cookie. Sully (1.5) however did terrible, he smeared the frosting everywhere and ate his cookie immediately. It was just such a blast to be creative while watching my kids and husband eat cookies, I highly recommend!

6. Sip A Nice Hot Coffee

To make this one count there are a few more requirements, you must be alone and be in silence. Maybe those are just my requirements, lol. With two young kids, two dogs, two cats and a husband silence is few and far between.

But nonetheless enjoy any and all warm beverages, maybe while reading a good book that you have been meaning to read for years, cough, cough I am talking to myself!

7. Marvel at Fall Leaves

I might be biased but Northern Michigan trees in the fall are just incredible! All of the colors brings me happiness.

If you have never experienced the Tunnel of trees I would do it! Plan accordingly though, there are almost no bathroom stops, so unless you are comfortable peeing in a bottle I would hold off on beverages. Oh the fun we have with our friends!

8. Visit a Farm

These kiddos could have spent all day with the goats, bunnies, chickens, and sheep and it was so fun watching them talk to the animal. The toddler especially was cute because she made all the farm animals noises that she knew.

Let them play. Let them get messy. Let them jump in hay. But don’t let them pick up rocks and throw them. That little boy is a wild child!

9. Carve Some Pumpkins

Last year my husband and I let the kids paint their own pumpkins since they are just babies. When bedtime came we had our own date night.

We pulled out a bottle of wine and tested our artistic abilities! It was so much fun to do a date night at home with kids sleeping. I would suggest carving pumpkins when your kids are in bed, it gives you time to reminisce in childhood fun.

10. Coordinate Halloween Costumes

This is my FAVORITE thing to do. I have been coordinating costumes with my husband for years. Now that we have kiddos it is way more fun.

Last year Justin (husband) was Christopher Robin, Sully (7 months) was Tigger, Nora (2 years) was Winnie the Pooh and I was Piglet!

I just love our little halloween family!

I hope you and your family have the best fall ever. There were many more favorites but I chose my top 10 favorites!


September 8, 2019 at 2:37 am

Fall is my favorite!!

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