
Close to 3 years with no writing… I am ripping the band-aid!

I have tried to write the PERFECT blog post after taking almost 3 years off of writing countless times. I have written probably 15 drafts but none of them seemed “right” or “worthy” or “helpful” or “serving”… so I have been STUCK in the what the F do I write.

Well I figured it out. I am just going to write what the heck has happened in 3 years. Obviously a quick snapshot, so here we go!


Like really what happened… life was HELLA hard. Who the heck knows what happened before the entire world shut down. Sully turned two. Justin started working from home which was a huge adjustment. I earned my third free car with Mary Kay. The kids were home full time…that was not fun, lol. I love them but I am not meant to be a stay at home momma.

Justin and I BARELY made it through our marriage. We were VERY VERY VERY close to divorce. We kept it a pretty big secret but only close friends knew the true extent of this.

Justin and I in an effort to save our marriage went on a vaca without our kiddos. We grew so much over that vacation and re-discovered that we wanted to work through it all.

Then we decided to sell our home in Novi, MI and move back to our hometown Midland, MI. This whole process took exactly two months, that was a whirlwind of projects galore!

Our Simba cat of 12 years got cancer and passed away. He was my bestest cat friend <3

My dear Grandpa passed away. I was with him for 6 days at the hospital and then watched him pass peacefully in his home.

Nora turned 4 and we had a super fun Halloween Birthday party and then packed up our entire house.

Moved to Midland in December. We remodeled our house with the help of tons of friends and family for 10 days straight while my mom and grandma took turns watching the kiddos.


Fell in love with our new home! So many projects but I loved it all. Starting working my MK business at home way more and getting a good groove going.

My amazing mom taught our kiddos private pre-school, she is brilliant and they learned sooooo much being with her. After living far away for years this was such a nice change that she gets to see them all the time now.

Justin worked 2 days a week in Metro-Detroit still. This was a hard adjustment but we made it work. I single mom’d it while he was gone those two days with the help of family. Man, DO I EVER have an insane amount of respect for single parents! YOU ARE THE MVP!!!!!

Sully turned 3!

We vacationed to Florida, Outer Banks in NC, and Houghton lake. All of which were road trips! Went on several camping trips as well. Bought a HOT TUB!!!!! Which was a dream of Justin and I for YEARS!

Nora started Kindergarten in the fall and dance class. I started working at a boutique at the same time, so life got a little busy.

Nora turned 5! We rescued two new kitties TeFiti and Rosey. Bringing our pet count to 4 since we had Tinkerbell the doggo and Dexter the kitten-cat.

Justin started working WAY more so I decided to stop working full time at the boutique and go back to full time Mary Kay.


My MK biz was exploding. I was doing online parties most nights 🙂 The kids got into swim lessons. We decided to host a small group at our house. Life got even busier and way more slammed.

I started a book club with the 3 friends I knew in town, we have since grown to 8 of us! This has truly been such a joy to monthly read and grow and laugh with these amazing women.

Also I started a new Girl Scout troop with two other great mommas. This has been so fun for Nora and I to get some special time together.

Our scaredy cat Dexter passed away. We had him from the day he was born (his momma was our first kitty ever.)

We got pregnant. It was an ectopic pregnancy. On Sully’s 4th birthday we found out that our baby was no longer living. It took 6 very long weeks for the baby to fully be gone from my body. It was the worst experience of my life. That day destroyed so much. I will talk more about this later.

I decided to give up my leadership position with MK. So much came from that, that I am just not willing to talk about right now. But so many “friends” left me because I no longer wanted to be a leader in a company that I devoted 13 years to…

Justin decided to go back to school, all while working a full time career! Because what should you do during grief and insane busyness is add more to already full plate, lol.

Nora had her first dance recital! She freaking killed it 🙂

I focused on my health and fitness allllllll summer and started a new side business called Q Sciences! Flew to Salt Lake City to meet new friends with this new company. I grew leaps and bounds this summer.

As a family we traveled all over Michigan on several camping trips and then did our annual Outer Banks trip with my stepmom and family. This was so much fun! 🙂

Nora started first grade!!!! Sully still went to my moms for private pre-school along with my nieces. So thankful for these relationships they get to build. Nora started dance class again and Sully started soccer.

I applied for 4 jobs starting in May. Finally I accepted a full time job at The N2 Company at the end of September. I LOVE MY JOB!!!! Truly love what I do!!! I work from home 9-5 Monday-Friday. Dude, financial freedom feels GOOD! More on THIS later on as well.

We brought a new doggo into our home, Kota the 4 year old Bluetick Coonhound. She is simply amazing.

Girls trip with my mom, aunt, grandma and sister to Frankenmuth for a day full of fall magic. What a day I will never forget. Had a FREAKING blast of a halloween party with some of the best people on the planet.

Our precious Tinkerbell that we had since she was 4 months old died in our home peacefully. Our hearts once again broken. But we are so thankful that we got Kota to help with the transition for the kids.

Busy holidays, Justin made the vice presidents list at business school AND became the second Vice President EVER at his company. This MAN is insanely hard working, smart and worthy.

Now into 2023

This year has been eventful already and it is only January 27th. I am thankful for the support of all our family and friends the past 3 years, especially this past year. Damn did they step up! I know that God has a plan for us and we are ready to continue to grow and build a future that we love.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate you and I am excited to dive into writing more.

Am I a Bad Mom?

April 24, 2020