About me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Brandi, first and foremost I LOVE to have fun! With that said I wear many hats. I am an entrepreneur without a college education. I am wife to Justin, momma to Eleanora and Sullivan! Pet mom to two dogs Tinkerbell and Copper along with three cats Clara, Simba and Dexter. I was a surrogate and birthed my friends twin boys. Lastly, I am warrior and fight depression/anxiety every single day!

Justin and I are high school sweethearts. We got married at age 20, enjoyed 6 wonderful, crazy, wild, fun years without kids. Careers at our best, vacations, remodeling our new home and rescuing way too many animals.

To our knowledge I would not be able to get pregnant so when my friends asked me to carry their babies for them I figured why not I have nothing to lose. After delivering their twins boys in January 2015 I had to take a full year off of trying to get pregnant since I had a very traumatic emergency C-Section.

After one month of trying we got pregnant! Our miracle was on the way and we welcomed Eleanora “Nora” in November of 2016. Having kids back to back seemed like a great idea so we once again got pregnant on the first try; Nora was only 7.5 months old. Wild child Sullivan “Sully” was born in March of 2018. It has been a whirlwind couple of years, but I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

I am not a writer by trade, and actually did terrible throughout schooling in English. Suffering through some intense Postpartum depression and anxiety has really sparked my interest in blogging how I overcame these obstacles. Let’s be clear that I am still overcoming obstacles as I type. I want to create a safe reading environment…because you are probably reading this while feeding or nursing your newborn at 1am; at least I was doing that.

Looking at the positive versus the negative in situations is what I strive to do daily. My blog posts should make you smile and feel normal in the midst of chaos. I hope to offer you just that, hope. Hope that as you discover or re-discover this role as a mom you too will be able to look at situations as light and not dark.