
A Letter to the Girl who feels left out,

I feel your pain.

How many dollars?

If I had a penny for every time I felt left out, well I would have a few dollars since pennies don’t add up that fast, but you get my drift. From middle school drama, to high school cliques, to college parties, to wedding invites, to rarely being invited to anything from acquaintances at church… a little too specific? Well that is at least my line up. Maybe yours is somewhat similar to mine.

It used to start with hearing a story of so and so talking about making best friend bracelets in the hallway and now all you have to do is scroll through social media and see glorious pictures of what you wish you were doing, but no one invited you.

I knew I should never look at FB at 11pm

Panic starts in your chest, oh my gosh, “why didn’t they invite me?” Thoughts fly through your head faster than you can keep up with, maybe something like this?

  • They clearly hate me
  • But why do they hate me? I am so nice to them
  • Is it because I am a little different? Well maybe a ton different
  • Why am I so needy?
  • I don’t need them anyways, I have way better friends
  • But seriously though, I would have loved to have been there
  • It’s me, they just don’t like me.
  • (Starts crying) What do I need to do to get invited next time?

Ummm, no SORRY! This is me snapping back to reality! What do I NEED to do? Absolutely nothing, there are zero things wrong with me. I don’t need to do a thing. There are two reasons and ONLY two reasons for why you were not invited. How about we explore them now.

First Reason

Absolute honest mistake. Totally out of sight, out of mind sort of thing. They would never, ever in a million years want for your feelings to get hurt. It will probably never happen again, and you really don’t need to worry about it.

Second Reason

They don’t like you. Period the end. And is totally okay, it is impossible to have everyone in the world like you. Plus it is impossible to be friends with every single human on the planet, I am 100% talking to myself right now. So where do you go from here? Well, you don’t need to worry about it. They just are not your people.

My husband has had this conversation more times then I would like to admit. My personality really clings to needing people to like me and it often gets me hurt. Example if I hear the name of someone who I know for a fact doesn’t like me I get a sick feeling in my stomach. Ugh, literally a name just popped in my head and now my stomach hurts. I am still battling this one, but in times like this I remember my tribe. My friends who are always there for me, no matter what. And at the end of the day, that is who I want by my side!

So, eff the haters! Just kidding, love them and be kind always. But don’t you ever forget your truth! You are the and no one can make you feel less than!

Much love, from a fired up Brandi

The pics below are just some of my tribe who I am so freaking in love with! They pick me up when I am down, and they love me always!

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